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Updated: Sep 25, 2018

This trip was an incredible learning experience and one that we will never forget. Learning in a classroom setting pales in comparison to actually taking a real business trip and seeing everything firsthand. Especially in a field like international business, where there is not much relevant curriculum as is, going on this trip was a great opportunity for us to learn more than we ever could have at school. From visiting the actual construction sites to meeting with consultants and experts to learn more about the markets, we got a comprehensive look into the world of industrial real estate and international business. Furthermore, the connections we made with SM alumnae as well as with industry professionals will be valuable as we continue our work with Cabot and eventually begin careers in the business world. The work we did on this trip certainly complemented the work we did last year and will help us understand the work we do this year as well.

This trip was a once in a lifetime experience that would not have been possible without the generosity of St. Mark’s and Cabot Properties. We would like to specifically thank the Anthony A. Jones family for funding the grant as well as Mark Bechard and Tomasz Klodowski who organized all of the trip. We would also like to thank all of the teams that we met with for taking time out of their days to teach us about what they do. Our trip would also not have been possible without Mr. Raymond and Mr. Hodgson’s guidance. Finally, we would like to thank everyone who supported us and made this trip happen. This trip has been the highlight of our St. Mark’s careers, and we are so grateful to have had this opportunity.


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