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Boys to Businessmen


The Team.

Nick Karlsson is an avid traveler who has sang with the choir in Cuba, studied marine biology in Belize, and completed anthropological studies in Iceland. In his senior year, he looks forward to yoga season, more travel opportunities, and leading the multiracial affinity group, SWIRL. He would love to major in an engineering field in college.

Nicholas Karlsson '19

Filip Kierzenka is passionate about mathematics, computer science, and business. At school, he enjoys playing JV lacrosse and listening to music with his friends. Last year he completed an project on Artificial Intelligence in AP Java, and next year he will do independent math study in the Mathematics Research class. He is considering majoring in Applied Mathematics or Finance in college.

Filip Kierzenka '19

Nicholas Bechard is rising VI form boarder who came to St. Mark’s his IV form year. He is the Sawyer house prefect and enjoys hanging with his dorm mates. He likes playing the saxophone, playing JV hockey, and listening to relaxing music in his room. He is thinking about majoring in Accounting or Real Estate.

Nicholas Bechard '19
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